
Showing posts from August, 2009

A Thousand Splendid Suns

So my friend Amy let me borrow this book by Khaled Hosseini, I happen to be quite fond of the man so I think that the book is going to be pretty good. I have only gotten about 100 pages in (it's a 400 pg book) and I have to admit that I love it. There is this one part especially ( spoiler alert! ) where the main character Miriam is forced to wear a burka and it goes through like her mental process of her husband making her wear one. At first I was mad because I was like well how can someone make someone cover themselves like that and hide who they are but, what Miriam explained was how her husband Rasheed wanted her to be protected and basically from his perspective-his wife and him share something that no one else needs to see. There was also a part where she had to stay upstairs while his friends were over and I originally thought well that's preposterous run down stairs and be known woman! But once again I was enlightened when Miriam explained that her husband didn't wan