wow it's late

I was walking around the book store today-well yesterday I guess, and I ran across a very interesting book. It had to do with the cooperation of music and medicine and I literally was like I have to have this book. The idea of putting both of those concepts together is just heart warming. It's the two main things I love. Perusing through some of the pages, I got the jist that music is more than just notes-but rather a force that in a way connects all people through some kind of similarity. It is so true though- so many people have music in life, and of course it isn't a necessary aspect of life but the fact that we all treat it with so much pertinence amazes me. I love it.
If I really sit back and think about it, music has been that metaphorical band aid that has covered and healed so many of my wounds growing up. Even today I-psh, probably everyone tries to console themselves with music in some type of way. It just emphasizes how we are all so similar and that our problems are not too far from eachother's understanding.
I have to stay up and work on this project for inner city high school kids. It's a lot of work but I kind of feel so good about it. We put so many hours of work into it and I think that everyone will be able to see that.
Something that is qualmish however, I loathe when people-And Amy and Chris can agree with me on this-when you are working in a group of people and there is always that person who isn't doing nearly as much work as they should but they still act all stressed out. That is such a peeve, like "why are you acting like that, we are all in the same boat and at least some of us have been trying to stop it from sinking" I think it is so funny-almost on the verge of commendable even, that those people can keep up that charade to the point where they can even convince themselves that they are working hard. haha, that truly takes some work-deceiving yourself.
I saw a poster for model united nations and for a quick minute I thought about joining it...I'm not so vamped for it now but who knows, it could always be fun!
Alright I should probably get back to doing this project!
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