Summer Anticipation

So my A'capella concert last night was...honestly, it was success. Haha for how unorganized it was I have to say we went out there and still put on a great imagine if we had actually been organized and had warmed up and practiced! We would have been unbelievable. There is only a few more weeks of school left and I get more and more excited for the summer with each passing day--can't wait to be stress free...well, at least destressed. Amy and Chris are moving up here early June and I can't get that off my mind. When friends from SD come to visit me I feel as though they bring this certain reality--a refreshing feeling with them (for lack of a better word) and now that two of my really good friends will be living up here with me-not even more than a mile away, its as though I will always have that refreshing feeling with me.

Well anyway I am about to head out to teach high schoolers how to sing! Hopefully its a good turn out.


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