
So I finally received all my grades for this quarter, and I have to say that I am feeling...I guess ambivalent about the whole thing. On one hand I did well I got a higher GPA than my overall one at the moment so I should be happy about that, but at the same time I'm disappointed that I didn't get an A in my anatomy class. Damn, I tried so hard for that class haha and I couldn't pull it off.

In any case, I am blessed that finals week was not that bad. I am blessed that I even get to go to UCLA and have the opportunity to make something for myself- this above all weighs more than my grades. I can't wait to go to San Diego and hang out with my friends, it should be a nice break from this hussle and bussle of LA.

One thing I'm not looking forward to is Christmas shopping haha it is certainly the most difficult part of the holiday season.
I think I know what to get Chris, and Chris and Amy as a pair but other than that IDK what the heck I should get other people.

I'll figure it out though


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