
So I have to admit that every time my friends from SD come up to visit I always become a little solemn when they have to leave. It's like when you hold your breath for an extended period of time and then finally let it out and breath in fresh air. you kind of always want that fresh air around you know, but eventually you have to go back to holding your breath.
I don't know, I guess that example isn't entirely clear-maybe even on the bounds of inscrutable to understand ha ha.
In any case the end of October was amazing, I had such an awesome time that I just don't know how November is going to top it ha ha.
Something I really enjoy: when someone new gets introduced to the group but because they are new it doesn't exclude them from being treated like everyone else

I think that is like one awesome concept, ha ha awkwardness. I'm not one to say that awkwardness should be permanently deleted because it makes things so much more hilarious.

In any case, I am hoping that November brings a cornucopia of good times, good health and un-shaven beards.


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