
You know that feeling that you get when you are on a roller coaster, rising up to the drop, hearing the clicking of the track behind you as you ascend; filled with thoughts of "Why am I doing this," "Don't look down," and "Here it comes!" That's how I have felt this past week.

God has been changing my life and my family's life and even though I don't know where he is taking us, I have faith that it is somewhere good.

I have been thinking about next quarter a lot lately and how difficult I can already feel it shall be. If I set out a planned schedule though and perhaps start doing work during winter break I can really make it a lot easier.

I can't belive all that is happening right now in preparing to apply to med school, I'm overwhelmed and excited all at once.

I am going to meet with Chriag, a med student and hopefully gain some wonderful insight, hopefully I can see what type of person it takes to go to med school and then from that assemble yet another part of who I am.


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