Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I took a practice MCAT the other day, one of the several I've taken in the past few weeks and I'm still sitting in the same range that I've been in(not where I need to be mind you). Even though I know I'm not where I need to be for this test I am comforted by the Lord's word. Already the first part of this scripture brings peace to my mind~God knows the plans he has for me so that means even if I don't, he has something under wraps. Not only does he have plans for me, his plans involve me doing well, his words say that I should have expectations and desires ("give you hope"). I may not know how I'm going to get there: MCAT, post bac, killing a man... But I know that there is purpose in my life, enough for him to keep me in mind.
Anyways- We are moving out in like 10 days! It's crazy. I think the girls may have found an apt, but then again I'm not sure what their situation is haha. I've been thinking a lot about next summer actually and how I'm going to travel western Europe, it passes my mind more than the MCAT XD.
Something else that passed my mind last night is how I have yet to fix( at least on my part) things with my little brother. I think a part of me was still stuck in pride and not wanting to relinquish what little power I thought I had by not saying sorry. But that's soon to change, I will write him an apology letter tonight and send it by post first thing tomorrow. I've never been able to see what God has in store for my family and all the healing that needs to be done within it, but I want to have faith that he'll reveal it to me.