Almost time.

Two weeks. Yup, 14 days until I take my MCAT, until I move back into the dorms, until I start RA training. It all happens in a fort-night. I've taken 2 practice tests so far, and done hundreds of questions and I know I'm not where I need to be. But I prayed earlier this week about whether I should postpone my test like every classmate of mine has or not. And I thought I heard "take it"
so here I am. Part of me wants to go into this test feeling so confident that I've prepared, but the other more masochistic part of me wants to go in, look at that test, and know nothing at all. There is good reason for the latter half of that last statement.

If I went into that test and felt like it was the hardest test ever and that I didn't know anything, but somehow ended up doing extremely well on the test, I would not be able to attribute any of the credit to myself. Nope all the glory would be to God, because it would have been him to have gotten me through that test, and him telling me "Yes, I have plans for you and no matter what you do as long as you believe in me, you will meet them."

Besides this test, I've been looking forward to the school year starting. My friends and I are going to be seniors! WTH, when did all this time pass me by? When did I turn 21 and start drinking at Bars or have to think about cheap ways to get graduation pictures. It's exhilarating to say the least.

I'm going to miss my apt. This past month has been amazing, the dynamic of everybody in the apt (well mostly everyone) is just too beautiful. If I actually stand back and look at us, that's when I see each person as a gift from God, all of em' crammed into every nook and cranny of that apt but still finding so much joy in just being around one another.


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