Spring Break!

Spring break is right around the corner! I just have one more final left tomorrow and then I can say goodbye to this winter quarter. I can't believe how much fun I had this quarter especially with the rep winter quarters have had in my past lol. Its strange to think how fast these 11 weeks flew by yet at the same time were so full of memorable moments and experiences that I am going to carry with me...Seriously, all that happened this quarter was only in 11 weeks! It's ridiculous.

Some things that I am for sure taking away from this quarter:
Trust God more. I feel like there are still plenty of barriers that I set up for myself because I'm afraid that God won't come through, but if I never give him the opportunity to come through, why would he? So I need to take more risks and actively seek his power in my life!

be vulnerable. (enough said on that in the last blog)

an extension on to that would also be that I am in the process of learning to acknowledge my problem areas. So I need to continue looking into myself and being real, what actually needs work? What are the things about me that keep me from loving me whole heartedly?

This quarter was amazing.


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