October thoughts

There are just some people in the world, no matter how nice they are, that will never photograph well. Looking at pics on Facebook has made me come to this realization.

Education. In terms of school. Some people are just not meant for it at all, I don' t think that they are against the idea of learning, but rather just not in the colloquial context that we all usually associate it with:text books, analysis, note copying.For me it is truly hard to think that I could live a life outside of school to learn. So many experiences occur at school-it's not just the frigid textbook learning that goes on here, you develop as a person from school.

I think that educational systems should develop more clandestine approaches to teaching people who are not meant for the type of education system that we have right now.

Fate isn't in your hands

It makes little sense to me that The one letter code for Tryptophan is W.
Sierra Mist is one of the best sodas that has ever come to touch my lips

A Thousand Splendid Suns is by far the most depressing book that I have read in my life, and I have grown this ambivalent sense of humility and Enmity for the human race.

I'm scared for my Molecular Bio midterm on Thursday

I miss my friends from San Diego so much. They are just so "real" for lack of a better term. Sometimes I feel as though the people that I know up here have no idea what hardships are and they take for granted the major things that they have. To even just complain about something at this university is a luxury in itself, and I for one want to be slapped first, then told off if I randomly digress into a tangent of how there is something wrong with this school.

I'm looking out at the window right now, and I lost my train of thought, but I'm ok with that.


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