God really slapped me in the face this week. As I have found any and every little thing to distract me from dealing with my inner turmoil over the bad situation with my brother, God opened my eyes to the real problem. I'm prideful. I always have been-I always felt like I needed to be. Coming from where I came from, I thought that I had accomplished so much, I thought I had reach new feats that people could only marvel at from below, and I've held myself in such esteem for years, building up the amount of hobbies and activities to keep myself busy and keep others in awe. All the while, my heart grew bitter and I could feel myself judging other, thinking how I am better than them, or lucky not to be them, even thinking that their problems weren't as difficult as they made them out to be because I had been through hell. I have been so bitter for so many years. I make soap taste sweet. Lord, somewhere along the way I lost note that you were there through every painful family si...