
Showing posts from November, 2010


Food, friends, and frolicking...Er, perhaps frolicking isn't the best word but it gets the point across. Last night's pre-thanksgiving dinner was great, hands down; it was better than any of the 5 parties my apartment has had since third week. Interestingly enough, before we ate Allen kept asking if we were going to "give thanks" which I honestly couldn't wait to give to my man, The Prince of Peace haha. While saying grace, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of love I felt from God; Not only has he bestowed me with a roof over my head but more so he has surrounded me with people I can't get enough of, he SHOWERED us with food yesterday even when we thought there wouldn't be enough, and he's come through for me even when I didn't feel like he could. And the thing that gets me most, when Allen implied that we should give thanks I wasn't even sure if the group would have wanted to say grace but because they all were ok with it,...


So I have to say that this weekend has been completely awesome! I love being able to go home and just hang with the SD gang. I never forget how much they mean to me, but at the same time I am always pleasantly surprised when I see them. This weekend made me even more excited for next weekend when Brian and David will be coming up. Among other reasons for why this weekend was great was clarity on my status with Monica. For the first time in a long time, I really like someone , someone I could see myself being in a relationship with rather than liking the idea of being in a relationship. We had such a fun date. She will also be coming up next saturday; Pray that all goes well then too. As for being around my family, I feel like God is still working in their lives but I don't know where I see myself jumping in to help out. I feel so distant towards them that expecting anything less than a real raw relationship is out of the question. I'm so tired of pretending, so tired of brush ...


You know that feeling that you get when you are on a roller coaster, rising up to the drop, hearing the clicking of the track behind you as you ascend; filled with thoughts of "Why am I doing this," "Don't look down," and "Here it comes!" That's how I have felt this past week. God has been changing my life and my family's life and even though I don't know where he is taking us, I have faith that it is somewhere good. I have been thinking about next quarter a lot lately and how difficult I can already feel it shall be. If I set out a planned schedule though and perhaps start doing work during winter break I can really make it a lot easier. I can't belive all that is happening right now in preparing to apply to med school, I'm overwhelmed and excited all at once. I am going to meet with Chriag, a med student and hopefully gain some wonderful insight, hopefully I can see what type of person it takes to go to med school and then from t...