My Lonely Place

It's funny. I never realized how beautiful the sculpture garden is when there is no one there. It astonished me today-just the serene quietness of it all, along with the cool crisp air... I immediately put down my things and took a nap haha, but after I took a nap I realized that I had found my "lonely place." In Mark Study already a few weeks ago we learned that Jesus would go to his lonely place to pray to God. I always found it funny that Jesus prayed; I mean come on- isn't he God? Why would he pray to himself? You don't see me calling myself...unless my cellphone is lost and I am trying to find it
You know, maybe Jesus was lost. I can not see how so much stress can be thrown onto one person. After a while, I think that if I couldn't hear my phone ring I would stop looking...If I put it on vibrate and I couldn't hear it- I would stop searching sooner, and if it was already on quiet mode before I lost it... I probably wouldn't have looked for very long if at all.
Jesus is one crazy character though, when times got tough he stuck through all of it. Sometimes I bet the phone was on silent for him and he proceeded to call and search for it. He would stay out there in that lonely place persistently searching.
it's funny. Once I found my lonely place, I turned my phone on silent.


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