
It's funny-the differences and similarities in our upbringings. Somtimes it leads to a deeper understanding, and most times it leads to what comes off as annoyance. I just have to say I've gotten to the point of being annoyed. Some of my friends tend to over-exaggerate situations, playing themselves off as victims. But I just have to say that is ridiculous. How is it beneficial to yourself in the least to play yourself the victim for a situation you know there shouldn't be one?
I'm tired of victims, I'm tired of having to defend myself or walk tip toe on eggshells to try and make only some people in the group happy. Why can't the entire group just be satisified.
the only reason that the minority opinions of the group seem to always work for them is because the rest of us are easy going so it doesn't hurt us so much as to rearrange our agenda for them. To make time for them.
It's just really strange; people that know me understand that I do not tip toe on eggshells, I crush them. So why do I feel like I should be walking ever so flawlessly when it comes to some people in the group?
I get mad at myself because once again I question things about who I am. Not saying that it is a negative thing to do-questioning yourself is a great way to develop as a person but at the same time I've felt like i have developed the right tendancies as a person and now I am doubling back on them.
I've been dissapointed with myself lately-from lack of ambition to essentially lack of character
I want to be strong again.
I need to be.


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