
Showing posts from January, 2011

Could it be...

Could it be possible that I may have found someone, a girl that I genuinely like? I'm not entirely sure yet but as for now I think that its ever a possibility. Relationships are a tricky thing- so tricky you would think they were for kids but actually no. In the back of my head though I can't help but think that it could always be a fluke--a relationship for the sake of relationship. So many times have I found myself in that position, but this time it seems like things could be different...because she is. Could it be a reality that I have decided to truly take a year off before applying to medical school? I almost find it preposterous but at the same time I know that its asked of me. God has so many plans for me and I wish I knew in which direction they were going. Its going to take a lot of effort to change my mentality of giving him the glory for the work that I feel like I do. What is it about self satisfaction hmm? Where does it say within the word itself that it can't ...

An attempt at poetry

Though it may seem like a fallacy The blood of Christ flows through me Rejoice in his glory, revere what is holy I am a prince among royalty In the greatest kingdom of all A growing love for him each day For my name I hear him call Jordan! Jordan...I love you Such a magical elixir- His love for me An ultimate fixer, don't turn to drugs, violence, or greed You mean all I have to do is fall on my knees And speak? Speak what's on my heart, oh Lord Where do I even start How do I approach the beginning and the end To equate the Redeemer and friend as synonyms Standing by my side with a hand on my shoulder Whispering in my ear " I'm going to take you further" You mean that I'm meant for more than this Christ?? More than what you've already blessed me with? How can I fathom the depths of your affection The world I see around me is a view of your reflection Of how much you've done for me already.