On Punching Nazis In the Face
I think the concept of free speech is phenomenal, but thinking about how free speech is encouraged in this country is to also recognize that political campaigns whether individual or those affecting work force sectors, are supported by dollars, and the most amount of dollars comes from whiteness and wealthiness. All to say that wealthy people and corporations have far more free speech in this country than others. When we continue to give bigots platforms to speak, legitimize their arguments with on-air time, or do not shut down the generation of political parties rooted in their (evidence shown) damaging ideaologies, we become implicit in continued oligarchical opressive regimes. I think there are a lot of people--non-communities of color, and people of color alike--that don't wish malice on one another, but we don't put enough of that into direct and overt action (i.e. boldly constructing and backing anti-racists policies, generating awareness around Christian Dominionism, b...