Happy Thursday

So I totally haven't been on here in a while-being caught up with life really detracts you from the small things that add a little joy to your life-like blogging. To add to that note, because I feel so caught up with things I decided to try going to church more regularly this quarter. I went today and I have to say that I feel so good. I don't know what it is about church, believe me, I don't plan on really changing my personality (as in my crude humor) but there is something about...a community, yeah I think that's what it is. When I'm at church,especially now in this college environment, it has more essence. I think it's because the people that choose to go there are doing exactly that, no parents are making them-no cop out excuses. They go because they want a better understanding-a new perspective. Well, at least that is why I go. There was a good message today, and I think that I am excited to be more involved in my faith this quarter-hopefully the year.